Susan Pender, PT

Staff Physical Therapist

Susan is a staff physical therapist at Premier Physical Therapy and Sports Performance. She completed her undergraduate studies at Montgomery College in Rockville, MD and Hood College in Frederick, MD. Susan earned her Master of Physical Therapy degree from Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia in 1995.

A self-proclaimed "Navy Brat" Susan lived in Massachusetts, California, & the Philippines, before setting roots in Kensington, Maryland. She moved to Delaware in 2003.

She has worked in a variety of clinical settings but has concentrated in outpatient PT for the past 25 years. She specializes in the treatment of cervical and lumbar spine, hips, knees, and ankles with a particular interest in alleviating neck pain and headaches. Susan uses a variety of manual therapy techniques in treating her patients and she's passionate about patient education; believing that understanding the anatomy and pathophysiology related to the "problem" enables patients to invest in their rehab process.

Susan participates in Triathlon racing, loves swimming, reading and playing with her dog.

Susan resides in Lewes with her dog, "Kayla".

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